Monday, January 12, 2015


Sorry guys, I've been gone awhile! I guess I just needed time. Time to get back to work, time to be human since I have an actual job now, and do some self work, like hanging out with my friends. Did I mention I've been doing a lot of that lately?

Thanksgiving and Christmas were crazy, busy, cozy, and full of love. Add to that, that I started working during the holidays and traveling to see friends and family all over the state we were on the road almost every weekend. Hunter had a wonderful Christmas, and now he's 5. Can you believe it? Almost two weeks after Christmas is his birthday, and this year we trekked to Raleigh on Saturday after his birthday to celebrate with my Dad. On his actual birthday, we were at home. There's a video on my instagram of him blowing out his candles, and it was really a special moment because he's spent almost all of his birthdays at my Granny's house which is one place that I consider where I grew up. I lived out of a suitcase until about high school, and after my parents divorced my Dad got our first house which was a pretty neat since I had never lived in one place more than a year or two.

I'm in full blown winter/spring cleaning mode lately, and I've been getting our house back together. We got a ton of furniture that we've added to the house, and even though we're moving after our lease is up it's unlikely that we'll stay on here because I really want a house. Fingers crossed, I'll get my wish! Currently Hunter and I are working on making Valentine's for everyone. We want to send handmade things this year, and put some thought and care into what we send. It was such a fantastic journey watching him grow into a complete person this year, and give back. So much happened that it would be impossible to sum it all up in one post but rest assured, I am forever proud of his progress. Although, I am of my own as well.

I spent New Year's Eve out! Can you believe it? Anxiety riddled crazy pants went out on NYE with her friends, and woke up in the morning to go to the grocery store to make breakfast for everyone. I'll admit only that I looked like I was doing a serious walk of shame and not family-friendly grocery shopping, (**note to self: bring extra clothes in the car next time for late nights out that you don't make it back to best friends apartment**), but anyway, I racked  Gatorade, eggs, bacon and bottle shaker pancake mix. We feasted! Then we had the ultimate hungover breakfast, Cookout. If you don't know what that is, well, you don't know what heaven tastes like in the form of a BBQ sandwich with Texas Pete hot sauce and coleslaw on top.

Oh my goodness, I absolutely love North Carolina!


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