Thursday, February 26, 2015

Falling Off the Wagon

So was I the only one who tanked after Christmas on their diet that was going extremely well?

I didn't make New Year's resolutions this year, besides getting healthier and being happier. However, between the stresses of January and February; weather, traveling, work, and other things I kind of lost myself. 

I fell off the wagon.

I'm committed to going back to the gym. I'm committed to my smoothies, and a hardcore diet for the next few weeks because I would love to feel like a goddess on my birthday which is just a few weeks away. I'm not expecting monumental changes, but I just want to feel better. Thankfully I still have time, and more time afterward to get ready for Summer.

One of the reasons I think I stopped was the overwhelming feeling I get when I go to the gym and I literally feel like I'm the only fat girl there. (Yes, I see you lady judging me on the elliptical.) Gyms aren't just for skinny people though, and sure, I see a big girl once in awhile but it's rare so I started panicking in the car one day and I haven't been back since.

The sheltered life has kicked me in the face, yet again. I don't want to be like this in this body forever though. It's overwhelming shopping for clothes, and all my other friends can wear whatever they want and I have to wear a potato sack. So I'm working backwards and starting over.

Here are my new goals:

1) I refuse to wear dumpy gym clothes. I work in retail right now and I can afford nicer, newer things because I deserve them. Working out doesn't have to feel dumpy.

2) I need new gym shoes. Something that can handle Zumba and like light running. I know nothing about shoes. I bought my last pair on clearance at Walmart, but they're horrible for Zumba.

3) I need to not judge myself. I need to love the part of myself that likes going to the gym.

4) I need to cut down on the classes. Healthy competition is good, but panic attacks are not! I usually start panicking before the classes, and then I only get through half because I mess up a step. I hate messing up, I took serious dance classes as a kid so I can't deal with failure.

5) I need to learn to fail. I need to have good days and bad days at the gym!

Did you ever fall off the wagon? How did you get back up? Leave me a comment, or suggestion and I'll write a post compiling them together in the next week. I'd love to hear from you.


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Valentine's: A Night Out

I've never been a big Valentine's Day person. Once in 7th grade this guy Michael bought me a teddy bear after dating me for a week, and then broke up with me the next day. Thankfully I got to keep the bear! This year I prepared, I planned a day/night out with my closest girlfriends.

Valentine's Day I decided to head to my hometown and hang with my friends, and spend the night out with some lively music from Jeffrey Lewis who was playing a show at an art gallery. I once saw him play in someone's living room when I was a young kid, and he's been my favorite live performer ever since. The most surprising part about being a modern Southern woman is that musically I've had the opportunity and have branched out a lot since my roots run deep with blues and rock n' roll. Thankfully Greenville, NC has provided that for me, and given me the culture that I craved, and kept me local instead of trying to escape the South.

The morning started with brunch. Biscuits from the Bojangles drive-thru, and mimosas' in the parking lot before we went to see 50 Shades of Grey. I'm still not entirely sure why we decided as a group to go see this movie, but it was entertaining. Jamie Dornan is of course my new girl crush, and I was already watching The Fall before I went to see movie so I was fully immersed in all of his attractive traits. I've never heard that many women sigh at the same time in unison. It was surprisingly funny, and sweet at points.

I decided to get my makeup done and I enlisted the help of my friend Meagan Wilson to help me, (pictures at the top). She's a professional freelance makeup artist, but I've known her since we were getting ready together for nights out when I was 19. It's pretty fantastic to see her as a growing professional, and if you're ever in Greenville I highly recommend her. Currently she does by appointment only consultations, but for Valentine's Day she did a special for a full face so I contacted her and set it up. She asked for a few pointers about my outfit, but really I just let her go crazy. The result was a punchy red lip, a new take on the smokey eye, and an amazing set of fake lashes to add onto my already long one's. It was perfect. I especially loved the glitter liner on the inner corners, because in the dark my eyes looked incredible! She is really incredibly talented, and so dedicated to her craft.

Jeffrey Lewis was great, and the night ended with me in bed happily asleep. Currently I'm nursing a wicked cold, but Valentine's Weekend was worth it! I had the best time with my friends and getting ready was fun again. I can't wait for my birthday.


Monday, February 2, 2015

How do you cozy?

I know it's a silly question, but it's essential to factor in how you survive during the cold winter months ahead of us before Spring blossoms those pretty little blooms. I know, I too am a Spring person! My birthday is actually the first day of Spring, but as I've grown older I've learned to embrace the cozy comforts of Winter while I rest and relax for my birthday.

First of all, every cozy girl in training needs candles! It just sets the mood. Some of my favorite Winter scents are currently on sale at places like Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and Yankee Candle. You know, the classic fireside candle to get you in the spirit for hot chocolate and late night talks? I actually prefer more basic scents like lavender and vanilla in the Winter, which I'm aware are odd choices considering the many amazing choices on the market. Lavender is extremely calming though, and Vanilla, in it's purest form just smells so comforting.

The next step is the blankets!

I have so many that I love it's virtually impossible to not include them when it's positively glacial outside and I'm in need of creature comforts. Inside I like my cocoon of warmth, and this is why I am such a big fan of the duvet. I currently live in an apartment so including decor pieces into our home is a hit or miss sometimes, I take into consideration basic things like blankets and covers so that I have the very best in those since they get used the most. More bang for your buck! I love companies that take into account those of us who suffer from allergies, (like my poor kiddo), so having down alternative comforters that can take multiple washings is something I look personally seek out. My current duvet was gifted to me, but I absolutely love this option from Parachute. It's practical, reasonably priced, and that baffle box construction makes me swoon, (it prevents bunching up of the fill on the inside)!

Lastly, at my core I'd like to pretend as if I'm a refined 26 going on 27 year old woman who drinks her coffee black and wears a business lady suit like a boss. I am not, however. I'm a working Mom, who sometimes hangs out with her friends and nurses tea, hot or cold, like it's my life force. Yogi Tea has the most delicious and soothing flavors. I'm a huge fan on their detox tea, and also, the Calming blend. They are the best!

I hope your Winter is cozy, snowy, and beautiful. Also check out Parachute Home by clicking on the photo, and by all means, invest in your comforts.
