Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Quarter Life

I've had the idea for awhile to do a series about being in your 20s, and kind of explain what it's like through various topical talking points. I'll talk about relationships, money, moving/leaving home, and finding out who your friends are. For the next 4 Fridays, this is my sole task! I want you to leave this series either feeling better about yourself, or better about where you're going in life. We all need a little boost, and although a quarter life crisis has been coined as a term to put down people in their late teens to early thirties who don't know where where the hell their lives are going, that big beautiful real would out there doesn't have to be such a scary place if you sort of know what's coming.

I'm asking everyone to send in questions, life hacks, and situations about this era of life with the #TQL to my twitter, on my Facebook,  or Tumblr. I'm filming an intro video for it today that will be up tomorrow, and the first episode should be up next Friday.

What's your story?

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