Today is July 1st, and I'm officially on day 2 of the 10 day smoothie cleanse that we're doing for a month solid. Of course by "we," I mean myself, and two of my aunts. One aunt has already completed 10 days, and now we're on until the 4th of July when we'll be taking a break for the day to enjoy the holiday. What can I say about the smoothie cleanse? Hmmm... it's meh. I do feel better, but it's a pain in the butt only getting smoothies all day long. The things that I like about it is that I literally have to do no actual "cooking," and I get all my fruits and veggies for the day. I'm an ok cook, but surely no professional. You have a small smoothie 3 times a day, and it's chock full of fresh fruits and veggies.
Today my smoothie was red, and tasted like strawberry/banana. It also was packed with fresh spring mixed greens, flaxseed, protein powder, and fruit. It's pretty good. I miss a lot of things like salad dressing, and bread. I didn't realize I ate a lot of bread but clearly, I do. This morning I was literally like. "FML I just want an mf'ing bagel!" Eventually a cooler headed, much calmer Caroline grabbed the frozen strawberries out of the freezer and weeped silently into her sugarless detox tea. I'm going to make it! For the record, I think they should just rename Stevia
powdered Exlax, because people should know that. It tastes nothing like real sugar, or anything resembling real sugar. It wrecks my stomach. I've given up on that completely.
Just trolling the Joe Sugg tag on tumblr, and drinking this red stuff. He's adorable and makes me laugh = motivation.
 Smoothie Day #1- This green stuff that tastes like apples, and stuff.
I think I'll be ok, just one more day down until the 4th. I do feel better! My skin looks better. I don't feel all foggy and sleepy mid afternoon, so I am seeing improvements but I'm nowhere near where I need to be yet although I am enjoying this. In some weird, sick, twisted way this is sort of the easiest health thing I've ever done. If you want to try it too, pick up JJ Smith's book the
10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse, on
Amazon. If you're like me and trying to change up your lifestyle, do it. Just stop worrying, and complaining, start now! Your body will thank you for it.
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