Thursday, June 19, 2014

Welcome to the sahweet life!

Hello world :)
My name is Caroline, and I'm 26. I'm a Mom. I like makeup, and clothes, and more clothes. You're right! You guessed it, I'm a girly-girl. I love traveling, and I've lived all over the US. My favorite states are; Georgia, (where I was born), North Carolina, (which is home), Washington, (where we lived for 3 years), and lastly but most certainly not least, California, (where I figured it all out). 

I have the sweetest little 4 year old boy named Hunter, and he's the center of my universe but sometimes motherhood can feel kind of isolating. Although we keep busy, sometimes its hard to come into your own when you're raising another human being whose also becoming their own person. (The struggle is real!) I have some of my single-ton friends, Mommy friends, and all the oldies but goodies of our immediate family who make our life beautiful. 

I'm going to write about our life, and start a youtube channel, and be silly, and brave because my goal for this year was to embrace the things I'm most scared of. We're going to talk about organizing and planning especially for holidays, because I'm mildly obsessed with Christmas and of course by mildly, I mean majorly. I'm Southern so no holiday is actually ever small. I'll also write about makeup, and clothes, and crafty things that interest me.

I'm here to inspire you and make you think happy thoughts, which I hope I can accomplish. Life is too short, and we should intended to get out there and live in it!

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