Thursday, September 11, 2014

Fell In Love With A Boy.

Now for personal reasons, I'm never going to talk about my current status on this blog.


Bummer. Really? It's not like I don't know why you're here. That just for me, and my close personal people to know about.

I would like to address the much larger topic of falling in love, and what it really means. First off, I like dudes. That's just my preference, but this falling business is on a much grander scale a bigger talking point no matter which sex floats your boat. Basically learn from my mistakes, and (not that I've made any recently, ha!) , but here's just some life wisdom that I would to impart on you.

1. If you don't love yourself, no one else will.
I will never say that I am in love with myself all of the time, but generally I am super happy with how I turned out. I'm strong, and the least of all people to be weak-willed and meek. I don't mind saying no. I do not take kindly or tolerate a lot of foolishness in the love department, because ain't nobody got time for that. However, I do allow myself to fall in love all the freaking time because I like that feeling. I'm learning to let go, and just let things be though, and that's the hardest part. I can take care of myself, but I like having people around. It took me awhile to get to this point, but loving myself was a crucial step I took to find out who I really was.

2. Love, literally, costs NOTHING.
He/She will not love you more, no matter what the car make is, or how much you eventually have in the bank. If it's not love now, then it won't be later. That's just the cold, hard truth! Also, if you start having to give ultimatitums then it's already doomed. Love shouldn't have to be about choices, and if you're forced to choose then they are reacting to something you did out of fear, and not love. End it! Do it right now. Also, tell people that you love them when you feel it. If you need to just get it out, do it, because there's no harm in saying that you love them. 

3. Sex does count.
Unfortunately, I would like to say that this can change but it doesn't always. Sex is the ultimate way to feel close to someone, so if you choose to do it now or wait it's a discussion that you need to have. I'm not saying that you should have to write up some 50 Shades of Grey, contract. What I am suggesting however, is that you make it clear what you're expectations are and make them reasonable. Every person has kinks, but as adults, if you're in a relationship you need to be open to talking about them freely and openly. Don't judge. Just talk about the important stuff, and be safe.

4. You cannot change each other.
You will never, ever change this person that you've met whom I assume you are in love with. They will still dress, act, walk, and talk the same no matter what you do. That's because you're two separate human beings, and you are not responsible for their behavior or actions. It's just one of those things that you have to learn to deal with, just like playing with other kids on the playground.

5. Falling is easy, but love takes work.
I don't know a single person in love who isn't angry at least 10% of the time. Love is frustrating, and it will literally make you rage sometimes once you become in it. For whatever reason it's like this cage that we put ourselves into, and treat like a pet, but then when it's been in too long we just let it out. Unleashing the beast. Falling in love is as simple as breathing, but maintaining that feeling takes a lot of work. You constantly need to be in check with your own feelings, as well as, maintaining/checking on the other persons to make sure they're feeling like themselves. Always check! It's the cheapest and easiest thing you can do.

I have so much relationship advice, I could write a book. However, then I could also tell you about my crazy weekend but I'll just take that one to the grave. For the record, we are all human and watching other people fumble through love is also ridiculously entertaining. In fact, sometimes it might even make you brave!


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