Monday, September 22, 2014

Paint It Purple!

There is nothing like a big game day in the South! In the town that I come from, Greenville, NC, it's about as important as church on Sundays. In fact, we were in service with 51,000 estimated other fans Saturday.

ECU beat UNC 70-41 bringing the streak to a total of 4 wins and no losses. It's the start of a great season! There has always been a great football program at ECU, but the fandom .... is incredible. I got to tailgate for the first time, and even got to go a little game day get-together hosted by a dear friend who I had not seen in ages. This is how we do it down here, and gracious sakes, Saturday we did it big.

I love football season!

I attended the game with a newly founded bestie who offered me the ticket of a lifetime. If you haven't seen the highlight reel, be sure to check it out on ESPN at some point it's worth it. We tailgated, and I even branched out and bought a chevron striped game day dress like a true Southerner. I should also mention that I wore boots with that dress, cowboy boots, so I was feeling like I hit all the marks. I was finally like all the other girls on game day!

Mercy! It only took me about 12 years.

Game days are awesome, because it really brings people together and sometimes in very surprising ways. We went out after the game, just us girls on the town, and celebrated my friend K's 30th birthday. I have known her since I was 19. Can you imagine?

It was truly the perfect day!


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