Thursday, October 2, 2014

How Lorelai and Rory Saved My Adolescence


I know I talk a lot about Netflix, but it's seriously the greatest freaking thing since sliced bread. What makes it better is that today, they've released all 7 seasons of my most beloved show Gilmore Girls. I've been reliving memories all day, and it's funny, television wasn't supposed to do that to me! I was a teenager with divorced parents, and I knew nothing of the charming affluence of rural Connecticut yet after watching the pilot on the WB when I was in 8th grade something changed. I wanted to live in Stars Hollow, exchange pop culture jabs with Lorelai, and drink coffee at Luke's. By the time that season one was over and my Dad had picked up our life in Louisiana to move it to North Carolina we invented a new way to communicate .... since then, he's seen every single episode!

My Mom was gone, yes, but this void had been filled with a girl who was a lot like me and loved books. My Dad was an English major, and he taught college English courses throughout my childhood therefore making me obsessed with really grown-up literature like, The Glass Menagerie for instance.

What normal 10-year-old girl goes through a period of her life hyper-obsessed with Tennessee Williams? 
This one! 
Who started trying to read Shakespeare before Tolstoy? 
This girl!

Maybe if the bug would have bitten earlier, I might have ended up at Harvard or Yale just like Rory but for seven years of my life I had really big dreams. I had a hero would made me proud of my bookish nature, and made me long for a best friend who was worthy of a comparison to Lane Kim. My Dad maintained that connection with me via the show, and he was able to talk to me about the difficult subjects that normally most Dad's don't even have to tackle the surface of with their daughters. It engaged us, from first boyfriends to failing tests, and it forced us to branch out. Looking back, I am so thankful that this is where I learned so much about myself because my teenager years could have easily have been a wreck. I spent a lot of time at home, and between social groups because people like to pass off the girl with a single Dad. It allowed me to learn about myself though, and with the unfailing support of a single Mom who had nothing yet raised a superhuman who graduated from a super elite prep school and Yale, it made little old me feel like I could conquer the world.

So grab a pint of Ben and Jerry's, and some sick assortment of junk food that only Cookie Monster and Lorelai Gilmore would understand, park it on the couch ---- then get to watching. You've got 7 seasons, let's go!


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